Watch Russia’s New Fighter Jet Let Out a Terrifying Scream

The Su-57 Felon sounds like some kind of banshee or alien ship.

  • new video has surfaced of four Su-57 Felon fighter jets flying low over Russian territory.
  • The jets make an ominous, high-pitched ringing noise as they pass over a photographer on the ground.
  • Despite being unveiled a decade ago, the Su-57 has yet to enter service with the Russian air force.

A new video showing four Sukhoi Su-57 “Felon” fighter jets makes one thing clear: this thing is a real howler.

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In the clip, which comes from an undisclosed location in Russia, you can hear the new fighter make an unusual high-pitched ringing noise as it approaches. The sound reaches an eerie crescendo just as the planes enter the field of view.

The Su-57 is Russia’s first—and so far, only—fifth-generation fighter jet. Some people suspect the jets in the video are flying over Moscow during rehearsals for a parade, a theory that’s partially supported by the photo below, which was taken during the V-E day parade in Moscow last June. You can also see four Su-57s flying in a staggered formation:

Russia and India unveiled the fighter all the way back in 2010. The aircraft, originally designated T-50 or PAK-FA, was a joint project that would eventually supply hundreds of jets to the air forces of both countries.

But India ultimately bailed on the partnership after a string of developmental issues and rising costs, leaving Russia to continue to develop the aircraft on it own. The Sukhoi-designed aircraft later became the Su-57. NATO, which has long assigned “F” nicknames to Soviet/Russian fighter jets, gave the Su-57 the nickname “Felon.”

The Su-57 is a large, twin-engine, heavy fighter jet with both air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities. The aircraft is reportedly designed for all-around stealth, meaning enemy radars should have difficulty picking up the jet from any direction, including the rear.

Like all fifth-generation stealth fighters, the Su-57 carries its weapons internally. The Felon sports two pairs of weapons bays, à la the F-22 Raptor. One pair is for short-range air-to-air missiles, while the larger pair is for long-range air-to-air missiles, precision-guided bombs, cruise missiles, or anti-ship missiles. The Felon is also equipped with a 30-millimeter autocannon for strafing ground targets or aerial dogfighting.

The Su-57 is several years late in its development thanks to technical issues and a cooling Russian economy. The Russian Aerospace Forces were originally supposed to acquire 150 to 200 of the jets in the 2015 to 2025 timeline. This number was cut to just 76 jets in 2018, but future orders shouldn’t be ruled out.

As of last month, Sukhoi has produced just 11 pre-production prototypes and two serial production aircraft, with one serial production aircraft lost in a December 2019 test flight. The Su-57 reportedly continues to suffer from developmental issues, including the production of the Izdeliye 30 turbofan engines that give the jet the ability to cruise above Mach 1 without using fuel-guzzling afterburners.

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